Have you ever been on the hunt for a new vehicle, and after countless hours of researching, and maybe even some test driving, finally whittled down the list of potential purchases down to two or three makes and models? Chances are as you’re driving around you will suddenly feel as if those particular makes and models and maybe even the trim level are everywhere! Funny thing is, this feeling is legit and it’s called AI Overview Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, or better known as the frequency illusion. It’s a cognitive bias that occurs when something you’ve recently learned or noticed seems to appear more frequently than it actually does. In reality, it’s just that you’re more aware of it.

At this point you’re wondering how the frequency illusion has anything to do with galettes. Maybe it’s because after reading this blog post you, like me, will see galette’s coming out of the woodwork. Galette’s aren’t some new internet fad, but are a staple in French cuisine, made popular around the world.
They are praised for their crust factor, which if you’re a crust guy or gal like we are in our house, is arguably what makes or breaks a pie! By creating a simple fruit filling in a sort of hand pie/traditional pie love child format, galettes are able to celebrate and feature seasonal produce without creating complicated fillings or some of the other issues that pies can bring to the kitchen. And, by using puff pastry, this recipe is a great summer dessert, or breakfast/brunch item. Enjoy!

Cherries are in season, but only for a little longer! Find them in pick-your-own now through approximately July 1st! We have dark and yellow sweet cherries as well as tart cherries available in pick-you-own. Come pick cherries before it’s too late this season!
PrintCherry Galette
- 1 sheet 10/15 frozen puff pastry, thawed for 20 minutes
- 2 ½ c. sliced cherries, pitted and cut into halves/quarters (this recipe uses a blend of sweet cherries)
- ¼ c. sugar
- ¼ c. sliced almonds
- 2 Tbsp. cornstarch
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 2 tsp. vanilla
- 1 tsp. lemon zest
- ¼ tsp. almond extract
- 1 large egg, whisked with 1 tablespoon water
- Sanding/raw sugar for topping
- Pit and slice cherries until you have two and a half cups. If you do not have a pitter, the easiest thing to do is cut your cherry across the equator and twist. One half will have the pit, the other will not. For the half with the pit, cut in half again and remove the pit easily. This way you’ll have both halves and quarter cherries, which provide greater textural variation in your galette.
- Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Take out your frozen puff pastry and place it directly on the parchment paper. Thaw for roughly 15-20 minutes.
- Add cornstarch to cherries and stir in while the puff pastry thaws.
- Once the puff pastry is thawed and pliable, apply a thin layer of the egg wash you created using 1 egg and a tablespoon of milk/cream to the pastry. This will help keep the juices from your filling from saturating the galette as it bakes, leading to a soggy bottom pastry.
- Combine ¼ cup of sugar, along with almond and vanilla extracts and lemon juice and zest to the cherry mixture. DO NOT add sugar prior as it will cause the juices to release and make a soupy filling.
- Pour the cherry filling directly into the middle of the puff pastry, spreading it out to roughly 2 inches away from the corner.
- Using a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, slice 1 ½ inches in from the edges at 2 inch intervals. This will help you fold/crimp your outer edges of the galette as seen in the pictures.
- When you have folded the edges in, brush the pastry with egg wash and sprinkle a generous amount of sanding sugar or raw sugar.
- Top the open section with sliced almonds.
- Set the oven to 425°F, with your racks arranged on the second to lowest and middle settings. Put your galette in the freezer while the oven comes to temp, or for roughly 15-20 minutes. This will also help in keeping your pastry crisp and fight against soggy textures.
- Bake the galette for 25-30 minutes. Start your galette in the oven at the second to lowest setting, again a fast set to the pastry eliminates soggy results. Halfway though, raise your galette to the middle rack and rotate 180°.
- Serve when the pastry and filling are completely cool.