Our History: Four Generations of Family Farming
1930’s – 1980’s
Weaver’s Orchard’s family farming began with Jacob and Lizzie Weaver. They were fruit growers in Delaware. It was their son, Daniel, who purchased the current Berks county property. He started Weaver’s Orchard in 1932, not knowing what the orchard would become. He planted fruit trees, berries, and vegetables, marketing the local produce by the truckload on street corners in the city of Reading. At the time, this was known as a “Huckster route,” making him a type of produce peddler common in those days.
Soon, Daniel sold produce from the farm and set Weaver’s Orchard on the path to becoming a community destination. Daniel’s son Allen became a partner in the operation. The business continued to grow as they sold their produce through both farmers markets and on the farm.
Ed Weaver, Daniel and Sadie Weaver’s grandson, oversaw Weaver’s booth at the Shillington Farmer’s Market after high school. Ed is the current president of Weaver’s Orchard Inc. He led the orchard through a major expansion in 1985, when Weaver’s began to carry a full line of produce throughout the year.
Ed’s son Justin continued the tradition of family farming. He learned the art of fruit production as he worked beside his father and was the production manager until 2023, when Justin felt the Lord call him and his family to missions overseas.
1990’s – Present
In 1995, Ed Weaver discovered a new apple variety: the Star Gala, a variety of the Fulford Gala. This new apple variety has all the qualities expected in a Fulfold Gala. However, it’s nearly an inch bigger than its parent fruit. Star Galas have juicy, crisp flesh and a wonderfully sweet taste. Their trees are also smaller than other Gala trees. This allows less spacing between plantings. Star Galas ripen before any of the other Galas – as early as August 20.
The Weavers want the property to be one people can come and enjoy picking their own fruit, shopping the farm market, and attending events held on the farm. Their family’s vision for the business continues to expand, with hopes of a new market some day that will have an expanded garden center and bakery.