Can you guess what our top two best-selling apple varieties are? If you guessed Honeycrisp and Evercrisp, then you’d be right!

Honeycrisp apples took the apple market by storm in the late-2000’s, and since then, demand for them has grown steadily. However, several other contenders for best-selling apple have entered the market in the last few years — including Evercrisp — which happens to be our owner, Ed Weaver’s favorite apple!

As a cross between Honeycrisp and Fuji apples, Evercrisp are sweet and crisp with a complex flavor. They stay fresh in our cold storage for many months, making them an excellent apple to enjoy most of the year!
We also press a special Evercrisp Apple Cider and Honeycrisp Apple Cider in addition to our sweet apple cider that is made from a blend of at least 8 varieties of apples.

Ed Weaver often turns to the Midwest Apple Improvement Association when looking for new apples to plant. The Association (MAIA) is an organization of private breeders that develop apples specifically for a Midwest climate, but anyone can grow their apples by becoming a member and paying an annual membership, plus royalties and trademark fees for trees.
Those fees help MAIA continue to develop new varieties.
“It’s a really great model they developed,” Ed said. “The ones they’ve developed really have that ‘wow’ factor.”
Evercrisp apple trees do best growing in temperate climates, especially where the soil is well-drained and with ample sunshine. They’re hardy and resistant to diseases, making them easy to care for while still producing delicious fruit! Regular pruning and thinning can really help these trees thrive by improving airflow and sunlight, which in turn ensures that the apples ripen evenly and stay healthy.

Ed Weaver particularly likes Evercrisp because they have a more distinct apple flavor. The texture is different from Honeycrisp, making it more typical of other apples. Evercrisp apples are most commonly enjoyed fresh, such as part of a cheese board or in a salad or with caramel.
The harvest season is winding down, but we still have a good supply of Evercrisp apples in our orchard along with Pink Lady®, and Fuji apples. Pick-your-own will be available our normal hours Tuesday, November 5th and Saturday, November 9th.

Don’t let the fall season slip by without enjoying all the orchard has to offer!