Over the last two years, you may have seen a Stone Ridge Beef product in the meat section of Weaver’s Orchard’s grocery store, distinctive in its simple logo featuring the outline of a steer’s head.
What the label won’t show you are the years of meticulous breeding choices made by Amos Hursh, the farmer responsible for Stone Ridge Beef’s herd of angus cattle.
Amos grew up on a farm that grew crops and raised poultry and cattle. Continuing that work is all he’s ever wanted to do.
He learned animal husbandry from his father — specifically, the nuances of feeding cattle and selecting quality cattle to ensure a good product. Amos took over the farm in 1970.
After “retiring” in 2000 (the phrase means something different in the agriculture sector — most farmers in this area “retire” and then take on some form of full time work), Amos decided to truly focus his efforts on genetics and nutrition.

He closely studied his animals from birth to processing and used the information when choosing which animals to breed. The result of what he learned is evident in his products: beef that is more tender and of a higher quality.
This is about the time he started working with Galen Martin, who handles Stone Ridge Beef’s sales, marketing and more.
They met while both working at another job. Galen was intrigued by Amos’ talk of beef cattle and decided to buy some beef from him.
“I was just astounded at how tender and how good the beef was,” Galen recalled. “I started buying all my beef from Amos then.”
Amos has partnered with seven other farms who follow his management plan. Between all the farms lie 300 acres that raise corn, soybeans and keep pastures for the animals. They keep approximately 130 cows and eight bulls.
They practice an all-natural style of farming. You’ll never find growth hormones, animal byproducts or extra antibiotics in a Stone Ridge Beef animal, Galen said.
“They are fed on grass but they’re finished on grain,” Galen said. “We feed them grain for the last few months because it makes a more tender and flavorful meat over those that are grassfed to the end.”
Family and faith are important to Amos and are reflected in his work with the cattle. He and his wife, Laura, have seven children, 35 grandchildren and two great grandchildren — many of whom work for Stone Ridge Beef.
“Religion and faith are important to our daily life and business practice,” Amos said. “The goal is to treat others as we’d like to be treated.”
At Weaver’s Orchard you can find Stone Ridge Beef:
- Steaks
- Roasts
- Ground Beef
- Beef Patties
- Chip Steak
- Beef Jerky and
- Beef Sticks
Most cuts come with a recipe card or you can find recommended recipes at https://stoneridgebeef.com/recipes. You’ll find most of the recipes are simple, and that’s on purpose.
Amos and Galen aim for simple recipes because they recognize today’s consumers may not be cooking as regularly as their parents or grandparents did.
“A chuck roast is intimidating to them, and they’re hesitant to buy it because they’re not sure how to cook it,” Galen said.
You’ll soon find an easy slow cooker chuck roast on the website, Galen promised.
My next recipe card is in my slow cooker now,” he said. “It’s a chuck roast with a half a bottle of Dr. Pepper, a pack of ranch dressing and a half stick of butter. (These recipes) can make something easy that can turn out good and make people think you’re a really good cook.”
Learn more about the operation at stoneridgebeef.com.
Now through Saturday, May 8th 2021 we are offering a special at Weaver’s Orchard on Stone Ridge Beef! Spend $100 and get your choice of a FREE Chuck Roast, Arm Roast or Top Round Roast for every $100 of Stone Ridge Beef you buy. Place your order using this order form and emailing it to office@weaversorchard.com or by placing an order for over $100 in Stone Ridge Beef on store.weaversorchard.com.