Fall Festivals: They’re Like a County Fair in Your Own Backyard!

Warm sunny days here in PA could lull us into thinking summer will stay forever, if not for the increasingly crisp mornings and the crunchy leaves coating my grass. Our fall clothing may still be in the storage bins, but the festivities have certainly begun here on our farm.

The excitement that has been building in my children certainly rivals their anticipation of Christmas! It’s like having a county fair in your own backyard!

On Saturday morning this week, our first festival morning, I was awakened by one of my sons playing away enthusiastically on his recorder– in bed– at 6:20am. He just wanted to see if it was time for him to go down to the festival yet to “help” daddy and grandpa. His brother was already half dressed and ready to run out the door. I’m not sure how much “help” our two boys give, other than sampling our festival food for quality control, but they will only be young once and their exuberance makes me laugh!

Despite my early wake up call on Saturday, I spent a relaxing morning with my daughters enjoying all the events of our first fall festival. It’s exciting for me because it’s the first year our two year old is really getting into enjoying all the fun. She is a youngest, so I savor all her “firsts” just a little bit more maybe than I did with her older siblings!

Personally, not being one to enjoy crowds and close quarters, I’m loving the new set up we have this year. Our festival grounds are slightly more spread out and offer a lot more room to breathe while still including all our familiar (and some new) events. (You will also find a new baby changing station area—right in the festival grounds—for your family’s convenience).

Some of my daughters’ favorite events this year included the barrel trains. My youngest didn’t want to get off! Lucky for her there was no line first thing in the morning, so around and around she went. She could have stayed on that train all day long had it not been for her older sister begging to paint pumpkins. Her two-year-old crocodile tears quickly ceased when she saw what we were up to next!


The pumpkin painting station! This has got to be one of my favorites—my kiddos can paint to their hearts content but the mess stays there, outside—not on my kitchen table!


My girls also really got in to face painting, as our sweet teenage staff members really took the time to make them feel special and beautiful!


We wrapped up our morning with a scenic hayride—I just can’t get enough of the rolling Berks county “mountains,” as my kids call them. I’ve been enjoying them gradually change from lush green to auburns and yellows.


Fall brings about a frantic pace for our family, but we love the many memories we make during this special time of year! We look forward to seeing all of our customers’ smiling faces as you savor some of this beautiful season here on our farm. We look forward to seeing you all here on our farm! (P.S. Don’t miss out on the apple fries— they are amazing!)