Pick-Your-Own Daily Update
Pick-Your-Own will be open on Monday, September 16th from 9:00a.m. – 4:30p.m. Check in at our Weaver Road Entrance – Gate 1
Fall Festivals – Join us Fridays (Oct 4th & 18th) and Saturdays in September and October for our Fall Festivals.
Apples – Gale Gala, RubyMac, Autumn Crisp, Macintosh, Pixie Crunch, Crimson Crisp, Crimson Gold, Cortland (available for a limited time) varieties available.
- MON-FRI Discount Pricing: 1/2 Peck Bag (10 lb) $25 includes 3 wristbands, 1/2 bushel (20 lb) $42 includes 6 wristbands
- SATURDAY Pricing: 1/2 Peck Bag (10 lb) $27 includes 3 wristbands, 1/2 bushel (20 lb) $45 includes 6 wristbands
Pears – CLOSED Today
- Bucket (approx. 7 lbs) $18, Peck Box $29, 1/2 Bushel Box $45
Kiwiberries – open
- Pint $7.50, Quart $12, Bucket $48
Coming soon:
Approximate Crop Ripening dates:
- Sunflowers – end of September/early October
- Pumpkins – late September
- Shizuka apples – Approx. 9/19
- Red Delicious & Ambrosia apples – Approx. 9/20
- Fall Red Raspberries – late September/October
Finished for the Season:
- Strawberries
- Cherries
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- Plums
- Apricots
- Donut Peaches & Donut Nectarines
- Yellow Nectarines
- Peaches
- Blackberries
Check back in 2025.
Finished for the 2024 season.
Picking Tips
- Blueberries grow in clusters and not all the berries ripen at the same time. One cluster may have ripe fruit, unripe fruit and green fruit. So take your time when picking!
- Blueberries begin to turn color before they are fully ripe. A berry may look ripe, but if you turn it over and the stem end is still red or green, it is far from ripe. A fully ripe blueberry is deep blue, even near the stem.
- Unripe berries will not ripen further after harvest, so avoid the unripe ones to get those sweet berries that you are looking for!