Meet Our Fruit Production Crew!

Production crew

It takes a lot of work to grow all of the fruit that you can come and pick in the orchard or purchase in the farm market! There is always something that needs to be done, no matter the weather and no matter the time of year. We have lots of hard working staff who grow and harvest the best fruit that we can. In addition to harvesting the fruit, our Production Crew is involved in endless tasks in the orchard.

Even in the winter, there is plenty work to be done. Some of our staff takes other jobs during the winter, but many work full time year round to keep everything going.

The Production Crew works on: pruning trees, building trellises, planting trees and other plants, removing weeds, training trees, thinning excess fruit off of trees, irrigation, harvesting fruit, covering the cherry orchards with plastic, sorting and packing fruit for sale, pressing cider, bottling cider and so much more.

Much of this work is coordinated by Justin Weaver and Alfredo Gutierrez (who is married to Janell Weaver-Gutierrez). Justin coordinates many of the projects in the orchard, whether planning what varieties to plant, how best to care for the plants, or when to harvest the fruit.  Alfredo coordinates much of the cider pressing and bottling. Additionally, Alfredo is currently busy keeping the irrigation going, getting fields ready to plant strawberries and much, much more.