You know you’re growing three kids on an orchard when…

You know1

You know you’re growing three kids on an orchard when…

  • A shovel and wheel barrel are the required tools to clear off all the mud and rocks from the front porch when company’s coming.
  • Your 5 year old brings home a live squawking chicken in a fish net and proclaims it’s what he wants for dinner. (No chickens were harmed in the writing of this blog!)
  • Severely dehydrated cherries are found under your three year old’s pillow in late August—cherry season ended in July.
  • There are more toy tractors on your living room floor than you can count– and there is a drawer in your kitchen dedicated to all the spare parts you find –for future repairs.
  • Instead of playing computer games your boy’s favorite pastime is to sneak cooking kettles out of the house and fill them with mud and worms—for future fishing trips.
  • Apples are forever being found in random places—in the sofa cushions, behind the computer, in the car, in your dreams…
  • Each of your children own a pair of name brand coveralls and mud boots (including your 6 month old daughter).
  • Nightly family fishing trips have replaced watching shows on TV.
  • For your three-year-old’s birthday party, you find yourself recreating a 1450 (it’s a kind of tractor) in the form of a piñata.
  • Instead of begging for an iPad like most typical children, your five-year-old is begging for some sweet corn seeds to plant behind the house this spring.
  • Your five-year-old can’t wait to go to school and tell his teacher about the Canadian goose that got stuck in the ice on the pond and how fun it was to watch it get out!
  • Yes, life on an orchard with three kids gets pretty hectic sometimes and my messy muddy house shows it, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Come bring your kids out to check out the mud—we’ll even let you take some home with you!