6 cups cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half (can use any color – mixing colors looks nice)
1/4 cup white wine
Handful of parsley (roughly chopped)
6 large or 12 small basil leaves (roughly chopped)
Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle
*Reserve ingredients 3-5 until the end before serving
[Pine Nut Herb Topping]
8 garlic cloves
1 cup pine nuts
Palm full of fresh oregano
1 large sprig thyme (leaves only – discard the stems)
1/4 cup Pecorino Romano sheep or cow cheese (if buying whole, use about 1′” by 1″ piece)
1/4 teaspoons red hot pepper flakes (optional)
3 tablespoons cooking oil (such as coconut or extra virgin olive oil)
8–10 chicken thighs pounded thin, then lightly seasoned with salt, peppe, and cumin
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. For convenience, use a large frying pan (with sides) that can be transferred from stove top to oven.
Place all Pine Nut Topping ingredients in a food processor until ground into crumbs.
[For the Chicken]
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F on bake or roast. Approximate bake time: 20-25 minutes.
Heat olive oil, then add chicken to frying pan. Brown both sides of chicken.
[Putting It All Together]
Sprinkle crumbs on top of the browned chicken and place in preheated oven.
When the chicken and crumbs turn golden brown, toss in the white wine and place tomatoes on top of the chicken.
Bake 20-25 minutes until tomatoes look wilted and chicken is no longer pink.
When ready to serve, drizzle with fresh olive oil and top with fresh parsley, basil and additional freshly grated cheese, if desired.
NOTE: You may need to turn your oven temperature down if chicken and crumbs brown too quickly. It’s about 20-25 minutes, depending on how thinly you have pounded the chicken. The thinner the chicken, the faster it cooks. Keep your eye on it. For safety, the inside of poultry should reach 165 degrees F by USDA standards.